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SIAM Journal on Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 20, Issue 2, pp. 209-404

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Minimum Weighted Coloring of Triangulated Graphs, with Application to Maximum Weight Vertex Packing and Clique Finding in Arbitrary Graphs

Egon Balas and Jue Xue

pp. 209-221

Approximate Levels in Line Arrangements

Jirí Matousek

pp. 222-227

Parallel Algorithms for Channel Routing in the Knock-Knee Model

Joseph JáJá and Shing-Chong Chang

pp. 228-245

Some Observations on Separating Complexity Classes

Ronald V. Book

pp. 246-258

An $O(n\log ^2 h)$ Time Algorithm for the Three-Dimensional Convex Hull Problem

Herbert Edelsbrunner and Weiping Shi

pp. 259-269

A general Sequential Time-Space Tradeoff for Finding Unique Elements

Paul Beame

pp. 270-277

The Power of Alternating One-Reversal Counters and Stacks

Oscar H. Ibarra and Tao Jiang

pp. 278-290

Interpolation and Approximation of Sparse Multivariate Polynomials over $GF(2)$

Ron M. Roth and Gyora M. Benedek

pp. 291-314

Lower Bounds for Computations with the Floor Operation

Yishay Mansour, Baruch Schieber, and Prasoon Tiwari

pp. 315-327

Probably Approximate Learning of Sets and Functions

B. K. Natarajan

pp. 328-351

Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Testing $k$ and Finding Disjoint $s$-$t$ Paths in Graphs

Samir Khuller and Baruch Schieber

pp. 352-375

Time and Message Bounds for Election in Synchronous and Asynchronous Complete Networks

Yehuda Afek and Eli Gafni

pp. 376-394

Good and Bad Radii of Convex Polygons

Peter Gritzmann, Laurent Habsieger, and Victor Klee

pp. 395-403

Erratum: The Polynomial Time Hierarchy Collapses If the Boolean Hierarchy Collapses

Jim Kadin

p. 404